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The Mind Field, Inc

A Distinct Identity

The Mind Field, Inc. was established with a three-fold purpose: to promote mental health education in minority communities, to create safe and non-judgmental spaces where individuals from these communities can discuss mental health topics that are often stigmatized, and to provide minority communities with information on available mental health resources. We believe that by promoting mental health awareness and providing access to resources, we can empower individuals to better manage their mental health challenges and achieve overall wellbeing. Our organization strives to create a more supportive and inclusive society, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive regardless of their background or circumstances.

City of Dallas Proclamation

The Mind Field, Inc. is proud to announce that for the second year in a row, July has been officially declared Minority Mental Health Awareness Month in the City of Dallas. This recognition underscores the ongoing commitment of The Mind Field, Inc. to address and alleviate mental health disparities among minority communities.

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Contact The Mind Field, Inc

Get in touch with The Mind Field, Inc to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.

7720 Military Parkway, #270374, Dallas, TX 75227

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The Mind Field, Inc operates as a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax deductible. ©2024 by The Mind Field, Inc. 

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